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Irrigation, Landscaping, Permaculture, Drainage, Landscape Lighting

Web Permaculture offers Irrigation, Grey Water, Rain Water Catch, Landscaping, Permaculture, Drainage, and Landscape Lighting services.

Call now for a free estimate.

Permaculture Can Help Heal Our Climate

Permaculture is a regenerative design science that uses protracted and thoughtful observation to mimic nature and its patterns to design spaces to provide for our needs using the least amount of energy possible.

Regenerative Agriculture, or Permaculture, can help us heal ourselves, our environment and our world.  This can be achieved by creating our own healthy spaces that mimic nature where we grow our own food (at least some), harvest water and recycle everything we possibly can. 

Each aspect of our personal Permaculture efforts contribute to cleaner air, cleaner water and cleaner soil.  

Web Permaculture can help you get started or you can find a number of resources at



Permaculture Design involves intense observation of a site to determine climate, water availability and soil health, among other things.  The knowledge is then combined with nature's patterns to place water catch systems, composting, various gardens (herb spiral,

raised gardens, companion planting and forest gardens), plant guilds (grouping trees, plants, animals, insects and other elements that work well together) and other regenerative components in a way that produces more while requiring the least amount of energy output.


Web provides Irrigation services including new installations, updates, repairs and  new pool/patio reroutes.


Drainage provides for a more comfortable yard or garden. We help you direct your water away from where it isn't needed.  

​Landscape Lighting

Landscape Lighting can enhance your property by highlighting your home, trees, landscaping or hardscapes.  Holiday colors available


Web Permaculture can help Design, install, and manage your projects. 

Rain Water & Grey Water

Maximize use and reuse of water to contribute to water conservation.


We provide Landscaping,  design, updates, new installations, mulch and cleanup. 

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